Sunday, July 10, 2011


Well on June 26th I was fired from Epworth Villa. And it is now July 10th and I am still not getting unemployment benefits. So i am seriously considering applying for food stamps. Since no money is coming in I don't see where I have a choice. My Mom says don't worry. But, I am more than worried.

I haven't gone to the gym and want to go and cancel my membership. My weight is the same. It's hard to stay on a diet and exercise when you are so depressed.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So Lent has started and I am going Vegetarian. So far so good. I love fruits and veggies so I am hoping this jump starts my weight loss. Let's hope so.

I haven't been making it too the gym because I have been working crazy hours. Crazy Hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I work a lot. But, I also love my job. So what ya gonna do??

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Not making it too the gym

I am watching the diet. But, can't seem to make it to the gym. Will try again tomorrow morning.

I just hate the gym. I hate it. I hate it. Someone help me get my butt to the gym.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rainy Day

Overslept and didn't make it to the gym today. Coloring my hair instead. Will make it tomorrow come hell or high water.

So the first day at the gym I walked in and the girl said you look angry. Yeah, I'm angry I don't want to be here. Duh!!!!!!!

It will get better and I will be more motivated. Even if it kills me. Peace. Kathy

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Second Day on Diet

Day off today haven't made it to the gym. I have followed my diet though. It's easier to follow the diet at home. At work though it's a whole different story. The baker at work makes everthing from scatch and real butter. The temptation is overwhelming.

But, No More Excuses.

I am thinking of taking water packed tuna to work so that will be my protein and I know I won't get hungry.

This is going to be a long journey.

I will be going to the gym the rest of the week before work. I don't have to be at work until 10 a.m. so I have no excuses not to make it to the gym in the mornings. Peace. Kathy

Monday, February 21, 2011

First day with trainer.

So I made it to the gym today. Miracles do happen. I met with the trainer. The bad news my body is more than half fat. Like anyone had to already tell me this.

The good new I know I can get this weight off come hell or high water. Already planning out my eating habits and how to stop filling my pie hole with garbage. No more Jimmy's Egg for me or Braum's milkshakes.
Tuna packed in water. Lettuce and lots of fresh fruits. No more excuses. Let the shrinking begin.

The only hurdle will be getting my fat butt out of bed to go to the gym faithfully everyday.
Let's hope I can actually can make it. Peace out, Kathy